- Strong Integrations.
A healthy website thrives on its integration with Google Webmaster and other analytical tools. Like a strong foundation, a strong basic integration is absolutely necessary. Integration with Google Analytics, Google Console are important aspects that cannot be overlooked.
- Good Content
A website that offers simple, understandable content is preferred by most users. Simply put, content is king. It must pass the test of 3 R’s- readable, relatable and relevant. It must be enhanced with photos and videos. Most importantly the content must be original and free of plagiarism.
- Attractive, User-friendly Layout
Users will be quick to point out a flawed website that does not cater to their requirements. To keep users and search engines satisfied, the website must have easy navigation, friendly URL’s , quick loading time and mobile-friendly designs.
- Updated SEO
A good SEO is like a thorough-bred racehorse. It can keep you relevant and popular on the Google Search engine. Outdated websites are quickly thrown out of Google’s spotlight because the search engine’s algorithms are forever changing.
- Social Media
Keeping your website popular on social media platforms is like giving it a new lease of life. There are more users who access SEO Nashua websites via the social media platforms. Hence, it is important to keep social media accounts active and updated and ensure that “share” buttons are available for users.